New Year, New....

Get ready, 'cause here I come- Fergie in 2008.
Ahh, January, the month where everyone's positive newly changed mind lasts for about two minutes on your typical Monday morning.
Let’s talk New Years resolutions:

This year I have no idea what am I going to do. In previous years, I had very juvenile goals for myself. For example, trying to use a whole stick of chap-stick... First of all, I do not know anyone who had a chap stick last until it was completely empty, with losing it. And if you're reading this, and you have used a whole Chapstick, with out losing it, you're a liar. Sadly I lost my Chapstick to the washing machine.
Last year was a very big change I made for myself, and for the people around me. As a teenage girl, there are some many things that us girls struggle and deal with daily, and it shouldn't have to be each other! There are too many times young women are destroying each others self esteem for no reason at all. Well, maybe for attention, popularity, and just down right spitefulness, and it should not be that way at all. Women are the most dangerous creatures and at a younger age, it may be hard to respond to negative energy when you really haven't found yourself yet. From my own experiences I would walk into a room and three girls could decide they hated me, before I even said a word. Its discouraging among other things, and just down right unnecessary. Sitting in your class and feeling the tension from across the room. That is just one example where women should be encouraging each other, and not promoting self hate.

So in 2018, I decided that when ever I saw someone, I would go out of my way to tell her how good she looked, or complimented her hair, or anything at all. And I'm not talking some Regina George compliment I mean actual genuine, women need to stick together, genuine- women should feel beautiful no matter what.
