About Me

Who are you?

My name is Jade Stasko and I'm pretty much obsessed with famous vloggers/social media influencers, Netflix, family, and my doggo. I know, completely unrelated things but, they just so happen to make my world go around. 

What do you do all day? 

Second year Business Administration Management and Marketing student at South Hills School of Business and Technology, and boy, am I ever excited over it! Although it is a lot of hard work managing a social life, working, showering and all of the other things that are acceptable according to society, I freaking love it! Something about business and daily operations to the whole psychology behind it absolutely fascinates me. I've met a lot of great people in the last year and a half, just by attending this school and I can't wait to see what else I'm in-store for.

I have just discovered that I have a growing interest for photography and videography. Am I professionally trained? Heck no, but I have fun with it and its something that (to me) is easily personalized (if that makes any sense). Meaning, it's not something I have gotten bored of, nor has it been taken away from me. I don't think I'll make a living someday doing it, but my interest is definitely unexpected and equally innovating. 

Most importantly, I like to do these types of things to help new smaller businesses become relevant on the WWW. 


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