Frequently Asked Questions

(Insert Eye Roll) 

Why haven't you tested for your cosmetology license?

When I graduated high school we found out that my mom had lost my real birth certificate and social security card. Therefore, I could not take my state board test with out either. I am now just waiting for my high schools career center to send me my certification and I will then be able to take my test early, and achieve my actual license by interning at salons. 

What is your favorite service to provide?

love chemical services and up-dos, I have some physical issues that prevent me from being the best hair cutter. But I mainly love anything that has to do with chemical services from coloring, to permanent relaxers, and I just so happen to have a knack at styling processes.  

Is running a salon what you want to do with your life?

I do not know what i ant to do with my life, I just know the sky's the limit, and I'm just getting started.


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